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A. Several laboratories that are led by ARiEAL members conduct research addressing brain injury. There will be opportunities for people to take part in a research study. Please check “Study Recruitment” for more information or feel free to contact us.      

A. Of course! While we try our best to ensure this website is up to date, you can always contact us if you have any specific questions that you can’t find the answer to. Depending on the volume and/or the complexity of the requests that we received, it might take several business days for us to address your request.  

A. Yes! Various opportunities are available for students who wish to work with ARiEAL at different level of capacities. Mentorship is one area valued highly by the ARiEAL members. You may check out the website of each laboratory for the opportunities, or visit “Working with ARiEAL” for information on volunteer opportunities, work-study opportunities, fellowships and awards, and more. 

A. Yes. For researchers who are interested in working with ARiEAL, we invite you to visit Partners & Collaborators and ARiEAL Team pages first, and then contact us. 

A. ARiEAL is actively fundraising to sustain our research endeavours, including but not limited to our knowledge translation efforts and mentorships. Your gift will support ARiEAL in its internationally recognized research relevant to reading problems, brain injuries in children and adults, speech and language problems, language learning and bilingualism, and the essential basic research in areas such as brain imaging and recording methods. Please consider to donate to ARiEAL