Dr. Daniel Schmidtke is a Research Associate (Academic) in the MELD Bilingualism Lab at ARiEAL and in the Department of Linguistics and Languages.
In broad terms, his research delves into how linguistic, cognitive, and experiential factors influence reading behaviour. His current research adopts longitudinal research designs and eye-tracking to understand English reading development of second language learners of English enrolled in an English for academic purposes bridging program (MELD). This program of research examines reading growth within and beyond the bridging program and examines the link between growth in English reading skills and the future academic flourishing of international students.
Dr. Schmidtke has also used a variety of experimental methods (e.g., eye-tracking, corpus linguistics) and statistical tools to study how reading skill is shaped by both the individual differences in cognitive-linguistic skills of readers and linguistic properties of text. For instance, he has investigated reading and morphological processing in non-college bound adults and has conducted corpus studies of linguistic phenomena across varieties of English.
Expandable List
Research Associate (Academic), Department of Linguistics and Languages, McMaster University
Schmidtke, D., Rahmanian, S., & Moro, A. L. (2023). Tracking reading development in an English language university-level bridging program: evidence from eye-movements during passage reading. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 26(2), 356-370.
Benjamin, S. & Schmidtke, D. (2023). Conceptual combination during novel and existing compound word reading in context: a self-paced reading study Memory & cognition. 51(2), 1170-1197.
Nenadic ́, F., Podlubny, R.G., Schmidtke, D., Kelley, M.C., & Tucker, B.V. (2022). Semantic richness effects in isolated spoken word recognition: Evidence from Massive Auditory Lexical Decision. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Online first: https://doi.org/10.1037/ xlm0001208.
Schmidtke, D., Rahmanian, S., & Moro, A. L. (2022). Morphological knowledge in English learner university students is sensitive to language statistics: A longitudinal study. Applied Psycholinguistics. 43(4), 889-919.
Schmidtke, D. & Moro, A. L. (2021). Determinants of Word-Reading Development in English Learner University Students: A Longitudinal Eye Movement Study. Reading Research Quarterly. 56(4), 819-854.
Schmidtke, D., Van Dyke, J. A. & Kuperman, V. (2021). CompLex: An eye-movement database of compound word reading in English. Behavior Research Methods. 53, 59-77.
Schmidtke, D. & Kuperman, V. (2020). Book chapter. Psycholinguistic Methods and Tasks in Mor- phology. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford University Press. Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780199384655.013.600
Schmidtke, D., Rahmanian, S. & Moro, A. L. (2019). Technical report on change in language abilities of students enrolled in the McMaster English Language Development (MELD) program. McMaster University.
Gagné, C. L., Spalding, T., & Schmidtke, D. (2019). LADEC: The Large Database of English Com- pounds. Behavior Research Methods, 51, 2152-2179.
Ho, A., Boshra, R., Schmidtke, D., Oralova, G., Moro, A. L., Service, E., & Connolly, J. F. (2019). Electrophysiological evidence for the integral nature of tone in Mandarin spoken word recognition. Neuropsychologia, 131, 325-332.
Schmidtke, D. & Kuperman, V. (2019). A paradox of apparent brainless behavior: The time-course of compound word recognition. Cortex, 116, 250-267.
Snefjella, B., Schmidtke, D., & Kuperman V. (2018). National character stereotypes mirror language use: A study of Canadian and American tweets. PLoS ONE 13(11): e0206188. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0206188
Schmidtke, D., Gagné, C. L., Kuperman, V. & Spalding, T. L. (2018). Language experience shapes relational knowledge of compound words Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 25(4), 1468-1487.
Schmidtke, D., Gagné, C. L., Spalding, T. L., Kuperman, V. & Tucker, B. V. (2018). Conceptual relations compete during auditory and visual compound word recognition. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 33(7), 923-942.
Schmidtke, D., Van Dyke, J. A. & Kuperman, V. (2018). Individual variability in the semantic process- ing of English compound words. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 44(3), 421-439.
Schmidtke, D., Matsuki, K., & Kuperman, V. (2017). Surviving blind decomposition: a distributional analysis of the time-course of complex word recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 43(11), 1793-1820.
Schmidtke, D. & Kuperman, V. (2017). Mass counts in World Englishes: A corpus linguistic study of noun countability in non-native varieties of English. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, 13(1), 135-164.
Schmidtke, D., Kuperman, V., Gagné, C. L. & Spalding, T. L. (2016). Competition between conceptual relations affects compound recognition: the role of entropy. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 23(2), 556-570.
Hall, C. J., Schmidtke, D. & Vickers, J. (2013). Countability in World Englishes. World Englishes, 32(1), 1-22.
2022 Schmidtke, D., Rahmanian, S. & Moro, A.L. “Tracking reading development in an English lan- guage bridging program: Evidence from eye-movements during passage reading “. Talk. Twenty- Ninth Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Newport Beach Marriott Hotel & Spa, CA, USA. July 17th.
2021 Schmidtke, D., Rahmanian, S. & Moro, A. “Reading experience drives L2 reading development: a longitudinal study of EAL reading habits “. Presentation. Words in the World International Confer- ence, Online. November 19th.
2020 Schmidtke, D., Rahmanian, S. & Moro, A. “The role of language experience on morphological knowledge: a longitudinal study of written complex word production in second language learners”. Presentation. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Online. November 26th.
2020 Schmidtke, D., Rahmanian, S. & Moro, A. “A head start in reading ability: The effect of early phonological awareness on change in ESL passage reading behaviour and reading habits”. Presenta- tion. Words in the World International Conference, Online. October 16th.
2018 Schmidtke, D. & Moro, A. “Word reading development in EFL university students”. Poster. Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA. November 15th.
2018 Schmidtke, D., Warriner, A. B., Kuperman, V., & Moro, A. “Reading development in EFL stu- dents: A within-participant eye-movement study”. Talk. Second Language Research Forum: On the Contribution of Cognitive Science to Second Language Research, Montréal, QC. October 26th.
2018 Schmidtke, D., Warriner, A., & Moro, A. “Determinants of Successful Reading Development in L2 English Learners: A Within Participant Eye-movement Study”. Poster. 11th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Edmonton, AB. September 26th.
2017 Schmidtke, D., Gagné, C. L., Spalding, T. L., Kuperman, V. & Tucker, B. V. “Conceptual relations compete during auditory and visual compound word recognition”. Poster. Meeting of the Psycho- nomic Society, Vancouver, BC. November 10th.
2017 Schmidtke, D. Warriner, A., Kuperman, V. & Moro, A. “How L2 instruction influences eye- movements during reading: a within-participant study of English learners”. Poster. 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, Wuppertal, Germany. August 23rd.
2017 Schmidtke, D., Gagné, C. L., Kuperman, V. & Spalding, T. L. “The role of competition between conceptual relations during compound word recognition: Evidence from spoken and visual word recognition”. Talk. International Morphological Processing Conference, Trieste, Italy. June 23rd.
2017 Kuperman, V., Schmidtke, D. & Matsuki, K. “Survival analysis: A tool for timing semantic and formal effects on derived and compound word recognition”. Talk. International Morphological Processing Conference, Trieste, Italy. June 23rd .
2017 Snefjella, B., Schmidtke, D. & Kuperman, V. “National Character Stereotypes Correspond to a Nations Distinctive Words”. Poster. Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonia, TX. Jan 20th.
2016 Schmidtke, D., Matsuki, K. & Kuperman, V. “Surviving meaningless decomposition: a non- parametric view of the time-course of complex word recognition”. Talk. 10th International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Ottawa, ON. Oct 21st .
2022 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Development Grant (PI: Daniel Schmidtke). Project title: Beyond bridging: linguistic indicators of academic and literacy outcomes of international students in a Canadian university.