I am a second-year PhD student, working in the Grammatical Theory Lab under the tutelage of Dr. Alison Biggs. True to the goals of our lab, mainly concerned with syntax and its interfaces, my current research has been directed towards the morphology and syntax of verbal argument structure, especially focusing on transitivity alternations and the semantic effects associated with them. Specifically, I have been investigating how those issues surface in the dialectal varieties of my native language, Brazilian Portuguese, and in Tukano, an indigenous language from the Upper Rio Negro region of the Amazon.
Expandable List
2023 – present: Ph.D., Cognitive Science of Language, McMaster University
2019-2021: Master of Arts, Linguistic Studies, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Thesis: The Syntax of Object Marking in Tukano: A Formal Approach.
2011-12: Bachelor of Arts, Theology, Faculdade Teológica Sul Americana
Lopes, B., and Duarte, F. “Differential Object Marking in Tukano.” Revista Letras, volume 101 (2020): 16-44.
Lopes, B. “Fonologia da Língua Tukano.” Descrição e análise gramatical de línguas indígenas amazônicas. (2021): 58-86
Lopes, B., and Duarte, F. “Análise das Construções Causativas em Tukano.” Morfossintaxe de Línguas Indígenas, de Línguas Bantu e do Português Dialetal. (2024): 13-32
June 2024: The Syntax of Stative Participles in Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian Linguistics Association Conference – Carleton University
September 2021: Differential Object Marking in Tukano, Workshop on Formal Linguistics – Universidade de Brasilia
August 2019: Marcação Diferencial de Objeto em Tukano, Congresso Internacional de Estudos Linguísitcos – Universidade de Brasília