A workshop on Monday, June 28, 2021, 5:30 – 6:20 pm
We all want to keep our audiences engaged in our presentations. But how do you captivate your Zoom-fatigued listeners? Can you make eye contact with a virtual audience? After a year of living in a virtual world, you can elevate your presentations even if you feel camera-shy!
Join us for a 45-50 minute workshop where we trade secrets from journalists and share tips from the presentation literature! Come learn with us!
This workshop will be led by Rachelle Ho. Rachelle is a PhD student in the Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour. Her research focuses on children with concussion. She is an advocate for improving research communication to improve science literacy in the general public and promote interest in pursuing science in higher education. Funding for the development of this workshop was provided by the MacPherson Institute as part of the Student Partners Program.