Dr. Anna L. Moro is an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Languages at McMaster University. Dr. Moro is also the director for McMaster English Language Development (MELD) program and McMaster English Readiness for Graduate Excellence (MERGE) program, two well-designed programs intended for international students whose primary language is not English and who wish to improve their oral and written communication skills, and succeed in an English-speaking university environment.
Dr. Moro specializes in socio-historical linguistics and language contact phenomena, and has published articles on language change, morphophonology, etymology, dialectology, and creoles. She is also interested in forensic linguistics, corpus-based approaches to the study of language, and clinical applications of sociolinguistics. In fact, her current research examines clinical applications (neuropsychology) of insights from contact phenomena. Dr. Moro is the author of a book on old Neapolitan (Munich, 2003) that explores morphophonology and analogical leveling through several centuries using methods from corpus linguistics. In 2007 she co-edited a volume examining the explanatory adequacy of certain theoretical approaches in linguistics.
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L. R. Wilson Hall, Room 4041, McMaster University
1280 Main Street West
Email: dirmeld@mcmaster.ca
Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Languages, McMaster University
Director, McMaster English Language Development (MELD) program, McMaster University
Director, McMaster English Readiness for Graduate Excellence (MERGE) program, McMaster University
Schmidtke, D., Rahmanian, S., & Moro, A. (2023). Tracking reading development in an English language university-level bridging program: Evidence from eye-movements during passage reading. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 26(2), 356-370.
Schmidtke, D., Rahmanian, S., & Moro, A. (2022). Morphological knowledge in English learner university students is sensitive to language statistics: A longitudinal study. Applied Psycholinguistics, 43(4), 889-919.
Schmidtke, D. and A. Moro. 2021. Determinants of Word-Reading Development in English Learner University Students: A Longitudinal Eye Movement Study. Reading Research Quarterly 56(4): 819-854.
Ho, A., Boshra, R., Schmidtke, D., Oralova, G., Moro, A. L., Service, E., & Connolly, J. F. (2019). Electrophysiological evidence for the integral nature of tone in Mandarin spoken word recognition. Neuropsychologia, 131, 325-332.
Kucerova, I and A. Moro. 2012. On the structural and typal differences between mass and count nouns: Evidence from Romance. Proceedings of the16th Annual Meeting of Sinn und Bedeutung (MIT Working Papers in Linguistics), vol. 2, ed. Ana Aguilar Guevara, Anna Chernilovskaya, and Rick Nouwen. 377-88.
Kucerova, I and A. Moro. 2011. On mass nouns in Romance: Semantic markedness and structural underspecification. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique [a special issue of conference proceedings]. 12 pages.
Merrells, T. and A. L. Moro. 2012. Study Guide for Contemporary Linguistic Analysis: An Introduction. 7th edition. Toronto: Pearson. Authored 4 chapters (Aboriginal languages; psycholinguistics; sociolinguistics; writing and language) & corresponding answer keys.
Moro, A., N. Bibis and A. Sevigny, eds. Explanatory Adequacy in Linguistics (special issue of Linguistica Atlantica). Volume 25. 180 pp. 2007.
Moro, A. Aspects of Old Neapolitan: the language of Lo cunto de li cunti (Studies in Romance Linguistics 39). Munich: Lincom, 2003. 160pp.
- Rudaina Hamed, PhD Student (Co-supervision), Cognitive Science of Language Program, McMaster University